Friday, October 14, 2005

EL SIDA vs Los Seres Humanos

EL SIDA vs Los Seres Humanos

En el año de 1976 el Vaticano contrato un médico cientifico especilizado en Inmunologia, con la mision de exterminar todos los Homosexulaes sobre la Faz de la Tierra; por que veian con desagrado como el mundo se habia convertido en una Sodoma y Gomorra con la Liberación Sexual de los Setentas entonces el médico cientifico creó un virus que exterminaria a los homosexuales a traves de las relaciones via contacto sexual atacando el sistema de inmunodeficiencia, hasta el punto que el cuerpo humano no tuviera glóbulos blancos para defenderse.

Pero lo que nunca pensaron, fue que el virus tambien atacaria a los heterosexuales debido a las orgias llevadas a cabo en los setentas, en medio del abuso de la Marihuana y la Heroina. Para el 2010 se estima que mas 200 millones morirán a causa del virus del SIDA.

Por ende, los seres humanos humanos debemos unirnos para matar este virus de una vez por todas, o el virus acabara con nosotros.


Postcards From the Edge Benefit Exhibition and Sale for Visual AIDS

Robert Miller Gallery
524 W. 26th St. (btw. 10th & 11th Avenues), NYC

Preview Party [NO SALES]

Sunday, Oct. 16 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Benefit Sale

Monday, Oct. 17 from 6:00 - 9:00 pm

Tuesday, Oct. 18 from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Over 1400 postcard-sized works of art by renowned and emerging artists displayed anonymously and sold for $50 each. Buy five cards and get one free. Proceeds benefit Visual AIDS. Cash or check only. Sorry, no credit cards.

The Benefit Sale (Monday evening and Tuesday day) is free to attend and first-come, first-served.

The Sunday evening Preview Party's $50 admission includes one raffle ticket. Prizes include FIRST pick of the ONE AND ONLY card to be removed that evening, a safe sex basket from Babeland, and a $250 gift certificate at Chelsea Frames. Wine provided by Wine & Spirits Magazine. Participating artists' names will be held at the door and are invited to attend the Preview Party for free.

* Can't attend the event this year and still want to support Visual AIDS and purchase postcards? Send checks (in $50 increments payable to Visual AIDS, plus $2.50 if international) and we'll mail you a "specially selected" postcard or cards. As two thirds of the cards sell each year, there are MANY wonderful works left at event's end.

Info Contact

Visual AIDS: (212) 627-9855/

More Information

2005 participating artists include: Vito Acconci, Derrick Adams, Stephen Andrews, Polly Apfelbaum, Ida Applebroog, Dotty Attie, Aziz + Cucher, John Baldessari, Burt Barr, Robert Beck, Barton Lidice Benes, Katherine Bernhardt, Nayland Blake, Ross Bleckner, Nina Bovasso, Mark Bradford, Nancy Brooks Brody, AA Bronson, Matthew Buckingham, Nancy Burson, Suzanne Caporael, Mary Ellen Carroll, Rick Castro, Mark Chamberlain, Paul Chan, Vincent Cianni, Aaron Cobbett, Greg Colson, Angela Dufresne, Marcel Dzama, Frank Egloff, Joy Episalla, John Evans, Neil Farber, Tony Feher, Brian Finke, Robert Flynt, Joy Garnett , Jeff Gauntt, Milton Glaser, Maria Elena Gonzalez, Deborah Grant, Joanne Greenbaum, Hans Haacke, Jane Hammond , Erik Hanson, Stuart Hawkins, Mary Heilmann, Geoffrey Hendricks, Matthias Herrmann, Jim Hodges, Frank Holliday, Elizabeth Huey, David Humphrey, Alfredo Jaar, XYLOR Jane, Chris Johanson, Bill Jones, Michael Joo, Miranda July, Nina Katchadourian, Terence Koh, Louise Lawler, Sol LeWitt, Glenn Ligon, Vera Lutter, Barry McGee, Dominic McGill, Julie Mehretu, Ann Messner, Marilyn Minter, Shawn Mortensen, Carrie Moyer, Elizabeth Murray, Stefanie Nagorka, James Nares, David Nelson, Robyn O'Neil, Yoko Ono, Tom Otterness, Sheila Pepe, Amy Jean Porter, Ernesto Pujol, RAMIREX, Jessica Rankin, Richard Renaldi, Eric Rhein, Tim Rollins & K.O.S., Edward Ruscha, Jonathan Santlofer, Gary Schneider, Donna Sharrett, Mark Sheinkman, Kate Shepherd, Alyson Shotz, Amy Sillman, Tom Slaughter, Kiki Smith, Chrysanne Stathacos, Pat Steir, Barbara Takenaga, Steed Taylor, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Spencer Tunick, Kay Walkingstick, Nari Ward, John Waters, Mary Weatherford, William Wegman, Lawrence Weiner, Fred Wilson, Millie Wilson, Rob Wynne, Lynne Yamamoto, Carrie Yamaoka, and SO MANY MORE ...

Preview Party

This is the only opportunity to get a sneak peek at the entire Postcards From the Edge exhibition. No work will be for sale on the Preview Night, however one lucky raffle winner will be able to select any artwork that evening before anyone else! $50 admission at the door (cash or check) includes one raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets $20. Postcard artwork is hung anonymously, so come to the preview party and scout out your favorites early!

Benefit Sale

Opens Monday, Oct. 17, 6-9 pm and continues Tuesday, Oct. 18, 10-5 pm. First-come, first-served, no entrance fee. Postcards are displayed anonymously and the artists' names are only revealed upon purchase. A collector might end up with a work by a famous artist or someone they don't yet know. Either way, they walk away with a great piece of art while supporting the programs of Visual AIDS.

FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I am an artist who donated a postcard-sized work, can I attend the Preview Party and bring a friend for free?
A: Thank you for making the Postcards From the Edge benefit possible. We will hold the names of all participating artists at the door at the Preview Party, but all other guests must pay $50 (cash or check) to enter. The Benefit Sales events themselves are free to attend, open to the public, and all postcards are sold first-come, first-serve.

Q: I am an artist who donated a postcard-sized work and want to buy postcards at the event. Do I have to wait in line?
A: Yes. Expect lines to start forming around 4 pm on Monday, Oct. 17, and for lines to quiet down by 8 pm. In addition, if you detest line-ups, consider coming on Tuesday, Oct. 18, between 10-5 as there will still be amazing works available for purchase.

Q: I am an artist. Did you get my postcard and will it be included in the event?
A: Postcards From the Edge is a benefit, not a juried show -- we include every card that is donated if it arrived by our extended deadline. We provide a list of every artist who donates a card and the titles of the works (identified by numbers) at the gallery and events. We will also post this list of artists on our Web site after the event concludes.

Q: I am an artist who donated a postcard-sized work. I want my friends to see it installed.
A: The only "guaranteed" way to see the entire benefit show and sale is to pay $50 to attend the Preview Party on Sunday, Oct. 16, from 6-8 pm. As the Benefit Sale is first-come, first-served, pieces will be bought (cash and carry) and removed as soon as the doors open on Monday, Oct. 17, at 6 pm.

Q: I am an artist who donated work -- how will I know if it sold?
A: Visual AIDS collects information from all the collectors who attend the Benefit Sale. We forward this information on to artists, matching the donating artist and the person(s) who bought their work. All unsold work is returned to the artist. Please allow us 4-6 weeks to process this information. And thank you!

Thank You

The 8th Annual Postcards From the Edge Benefit for Visual AIDS would not be possible without the incredible support of all the participating artists; Robert Miller Gallery; Canson, Inc. and their donation of Canson Montval Watercolor Paper postcards; Chelsea Frames; 1800Postcards; Wine & Spirits Magazine; Babeland; Pavel Zoubok Gallery; events photography; Art on Paper; ArtForum; Flash Art; A&U Magazine; ArtNews; Parkett; and the many office and event volunteers. Our thanks all!

About Visual AIDS

All Postcards From the Edge proceeds -- 100% of all sales -- support the programs of Visual AIDS. Founded in 1988 by arts professionals as a response to the effects of AIDS on the arts community and as a way of organizing artists, arts institutions, and arts audiences towards direct action, Visual AIDS has evolved into an arts organization with a two-pronged mission 1) Through the Frank Moore Archive Project, the largest slide library of work by artists living with HIV and the estates of artists who have died of AIDS, Visual AIDS historicizes the contributions of visual artists with HIV while supporting their ability to continue making art and furthering their professional careers. 2) In collaboration with museums, galleries, artists, schools, and AIDS service organizations, Visual AIDS produces exhibitions, publications, and events utilizing visual art to spread the message "AIDS IS NOT OVER."


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