Sunday, May 14, 2006


For Immediate Release


May 24 - June 24, 2006
Opening reception: March 24, 6 - 8 pm


Marzia Frozen is pleased to present FIVE POITNS at University Settlement at the Houston Street Center's Second Floor gallery; a group exhibition of New York based artists. Revolving around an interest in Cutting Edge and a lifelong association with New Contemporary Art.

The name Five Points evokes images of poverty, rampant crime, decadence and despair. That’s true. The Five Points was a lurid geographical cancer filled with dilapidated and unlivable tenement houses, gang extortion, corrupt politicians, houses of ill-repute and drunkenness and gambling. This was a place where all manner of crime flourished, the residents terrorized and squalor prevailed. This is the setting over many decades through thenineteenth century.
The district was known as the Sixth Ward bounded, south, by Reade Street; west, by West Street; north by Canal Street; east by Broadway. The Five Points so named in the 1830’s from the convergence of the intersection of five streets: Mulberry, Anthony (now Worth St.), Cross (now Park), Orange (now Baxter), and Little Water Street (no longer exists). This neighborhood was built over the Collect Pond and its adjacent swampland north of City Hall and the Courthouse, between Broadway and the Bowery. The scene is set.
Certain areas of Manhattan are not suitable to build tall structures because there is no bedrock underground. This was the case in the Canal Street area. If you look at the skyline from either west or east, you’ll notice how the tall buildings are clustered together whereas the skyline dips to smaller structures where there is no bedrock to support them. This is the reason.

When the landfill started to decay in the 1820’s the wood frame houses began to tilt over and sink. It became infested with mosquitoes and disease; the decent residents moved out, those who remained became impoverished and victims of slum lords, gangs and ruthless politicians looking for easy votes. Personal safety was compromised and a person was in constant threat of being robbed or worse. Beginning with the “Old Brewery” – a building that was converted to an apartment house, the floors were partitioned into small flats, rented to the poor and seedy characters. Each room had whole families, cooking, eating, and sleeping in this one room. It was a ghastly sight with squalid living conditions. The same situation prevailed throughout the district – the lower floors usually for drinking, dancing, gambling, and riotous behavior. Many people were robbed, beaten or shanghaied. In the cellars (they were called “cellar dwellers”) were the “oyster saloons,” which were kept open all night luring fresh, unsuspecting victims. This neighborhood was a dangerous place to live in and visit.

The many dancehalls brought together the Irish and African-Americans who had a large population in the area. A combination of the Irish jig or reel and the African-American shuffle, created a new dance form – Tap Dancing. This became a popular trend and forever was ingrained in American culture. As to stuffing the ballot boxes and stealing elections, this neighborhood became expert and notorious. After the Civil War, in particular, the Five Points (Sixth Ward) district had a reputation for casting more ballots than eligible voters!
Over the decades the neighborhood changed. It was extremely bad in the 1830’s and ‘40’s until Protestant religious sects made inroads to clean up the area in the 1850’s. By 1860 Five Points was a little less violent, but still a slum. Abraham Lincoln visited the area in 1860 and reluctantly gave a speech to some school children. He as well as Charles Dickens, who visited the area in 1842, were appalled at the abject poverty and terrible living conditions. Conditions improved only to crumble again in the 1880’s with the influx of Italian and Chinese immigrants. By 1897 the area houses had been demolished and the district took on a whole new look.
It’s hard to determine how much of these accounts are true or fabrications to sell newspapers. To many uptown New Yorkers no one was “respectable” that came from the Five Points. But multi-ethnic America was borne out of that slum.

You must be the judge. The violence and living conditions are fact and most of the descriptions that follow are rich in period history.

In the Chinese proverb, it certainly was ‘interesting times’ to be living.

FIVE POINTS presents artists who have emerged since the late nineties. Their work explores both this time period – during which the world has changed dramatically – shows vitality, energy, and exciting promise; and anticipates new directions in the contemporary art world.


Monday, May 01, 2006


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Este fin de semana, fueron dias agitados en la Gran Manzana, con mas de 30 openings en Chelsea, fiestas en Madison Avenue Where Fashion meet Arts, y culminando en el Guggenheim Party, en resumidas cuentas una semana para los amantes del Arte; y para destacar un Artista que entre mas muerto sigue mas vivo que nunca.

Jean Michel Basquiat, no necesito ni de un Master del Columbia o de Yale o de NYU, para ser el artista mas famoso de los obra lo confirma claramente SER ARTISTA NO ES UNA PROFESION, ES UNA CONDICION HUMANA, no se necesita pagar un master para volverse artista, es todo un negocio, eso Basquiat lo tenia bien claro, ni siquiera acabo el Bachillerato, se puso a ofrecer sus trabajos en la calle, al mejor postor, se abrio camino como un conquistador.

Jean-Michel Basquiat nació en una familia Puertorican-haitiana en Brooklyn en 1960. Sus padres se divorciaron y por esta situación tuvo que cambiar muchas veces de escuela y pasar varios meses en Puerto Rico. Estaba dotado en el idioma, era bilingüe y un lector ávido. Basquiat dejó la escuela y su casa cuando él tenía diecisiete años. Durante dos años, se mantuvo en las calles, en los edificios abandonados o con los amigos. pasó los años tomando drogas y perteneciendo a bandas que conseguían dinero de mala manera.

La galeria Van de Weghe Fine Arte muestra CABEZAS, una serie de pinturas donde el tema central eran las cabezas. La mayoria de los trabajos datan de 1982, y muestran la gran influencia del graffiti en su desarrollo plastico, como tambien la utilizacion del collage, y uso de las copias Xerox. Un artista recursivo donde cualquier cosa lo hacia participe en su obra.

Y la galeria Pacewildestein abrio este jueves, Dubuffet y Basquiat,Historias Personales una exposicion sin presedentes mostrando la gran influencia que tuvo sobre Basquiat, el artsita frances Jean Dubuffet.

Se dice que la vida de Basquiat fue como una llama de fuego; subió al ayuno, era sumamente intensivo y sólo duró un corto tiempo. Su vida era caótica y peligrosa. Él confió en los efectos creativos de las drogas, así como en sus autores favoritos como Jack Kerouac y William Burroughs. Él gastó débilmente aproximadamente dos mil dólares en las drogas. Pero las drogas eran sólo los más grandes de muchos gastos, compró las máscaras del halloween de Haití por 700 dólares, cajas de Château Montrose en 1961 y trajes de Armani bastante caros que él usaba mientras pintaba. Se le encontró muerto junto a una significativa cantidad de dólares en el piso de su estudio.